Title: What are the Harms of Long-Term Abstinence?

      Body: Regular sexual activity is necessary for both physical and mental health. If women abstain from sex for a long time, the vagina will loosen and hormonal imbalances will occur, increasing the risk of vaginal infections. When sexual activity is resumed, it can cause discomfort and pain in the vagina. But what causes this pain and how can it be avoided?

      Firstly, the pain associated with long-term abstinence is caused by a lack of sexual activity. Without sufficient foreplay or lubrication, the vaginal walls become less flexible and can tear. Using lubricants can help, but they work best when sexual arousal is present.

      Secondly, prolonged abstinence can interfere with the normal metabolism of estrogen in women, leading to menstrual cramps and other medical problems. Girls in puberty or still developing may not be able to fully metabolize estrogen properly without sexual activity. The key to menstrual cramps is an increase in prostaglandins or pelvic damage, which is related to disruptions in growth hormone metabolism and estrogen.

      In summary, long-term abstinence can have negative health consequences for both women’s physical and mental health. It is essential to maintain regular sexual activity to ensure a healthy body and mind.

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