Title: Do you know the various ways men masturbate?

      Article: Masturbation is a natural phenomenon that is not unfamiliar to men. When you feel the urge but your wife or girlfriend is not around, or if you don’t have one, do you masturbate? Do you know the different ways men can masturbate? Let’s learn about them together.

      Do you know the various ways men masturbate?

      There are several different ways men can masturbate, including:

      1. “Piston style”: holding the penis with five fingers and performing repetitive piston-like movements. This is the most common form of masturbation.

      2. “Pressing style”: the most sensitive part of the penis is the glans and the groove underneath it. Rubbing and pressing these areas with fingertips is called pressing style.

      3. “Pressure style”: lying face down on a bed with the penis pressed against the bed or pillow, and making thrusting movements like those during sexual intercourse.

      4. “Mixed style”: combining different ways of masturbation, or doing them in a particular order.

      5. “Broad style”: simultaneously stimulating other parts of the body, such as rubbing the nipples with the left hand while performing piston movements with the right hand.

      6. “Assisted style”: using tools such as warm water or towels to mimic penetration, or using circular toilet paper rolls as masturbatory aids.

      In summary, there are various ways men can choose to masturbate, and each individual has their own preferences. It’s also important to remember that masturbation is a normal and healthy way to fulfill sexual desire.

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